Fubon, Taiwan's second-largest financial-services group, with assets of$ 37 billion, earned$ 419 million in after-tax profit on revenues of$ 4.6 billion in2003. 富邦集团是台湾第二大的金融服务业集团,资产值达三百七十亿美元,2003年营业额为四十六亿美元,税后纯利为四亿一千九百万美元。
They say just eight of the thirty teams earned a profit. 他们称,30支球队中只有8支盈利。
A 2004 study of 60 business teams in the journal American Behavioral Scientist found teams with buoyant moods who encouraged each earned higher profit and better customer-satisfaction ratings. 《美国行为科学》杂志(AmericanBehavioralScientist)2004年发表的一项针对60个业务团队的研究发现,拥有活跃氛围并相互鼓舞的业务团队,利润和客户满意率都更高。
Traditional publication earned profit by issuing material objects, however, network game publication earned profit by the services after issuing, and this is the most important point. 传统出版物靠出版发行实物收取利润,而网络游戏出版物靠出版发行后的服务收取利润,这是最重要的一点。
If someone who bought shares on Tuesday sold them yesterday, they could have easily earned at least a 10 per cent profit. 如果周二接手建行股票的买家昨日抛出这些股票,他们可以轻易赚得至少10%的利润。
To start with, our company earned a large profit in the1st month. 首先,本公司在第一个月赚了大钱。
Currently, the vast majority of domestic social network service sites are facing the common problem: having not earned a profit yet and having not found a clear and effective profit model. 目前国内绝大部分的社交服务网站所共同面临的问题是:尚未实现盈利且未找到清晰有效的盈利模式。